Not disclosed by project owner
CAR provisions: The Reserve requires that all reversals be compensated through the retirement of CRTs. If a reversal associated with a project was unavoidable (not due to the Project Owner’ negligence, gross negligence or willful intent), then the Reserve will compensate for the reversal on the Project Owner’s behalf by retiring CRTs from the Buffer Pool. If a reversal was avoidable (due to the Project Owner’s negligence, gross negligence or willful intent) then the Project Owner must compensate for the reversal by surrendering CRTs from its Reserve account. The Reserve’s protocols specify the rules for compensating for reversals in more detail. In cases of reversal, no additional credits will be issued to a project until the reversal has been compensated for. In cases where an avoidable reversal is not compensated by the Project Owner, the Reserve will retire credits from the buffer pool.
Project Data & Calculation Methods
All data and calculation methods needed to independently reproduce and verify the number of emissions reduction or removal credits issued, as disclosed by the project owner, can be found at
3rd Party Validations